Construction site update.
The tile work is almost over. When we went yesterday two teams of layers where working on the tiny tiles of the bathroom floors (to prevent slipping, in case you are wondering).
La posa delle piccole piastrelline sul pavimento del bagno.
The balcony is done, except grouting.
Piastrelle del balcone.
The kitchen is mostly done too. In case you are wondering about the two colours, the white tiles will be covered by the cabinets and only the other ones will be visible. It looks better in real life, I promise.
La cucina. (Le piastrelle bianche saranno coperte dai mobili e rimarranno invisibili)
The main hall and the bedrooms are done as well, but they where covered with plastic sheets so I couldn't take pictures. The only glimpse you can get is in this photo below. And you will also notice that, even though the work is proceeding decently, someone is not happy... :)
Questa e' la camera dei bambini, le altre stanze purtroppo avevano il pavimento coperto per proteggerlo e quindi niente foto. Tra l'altro, per la precisione, l'altra persona nella foto e' un collega, non un piastrellista. :)
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